Menzies YYZ Chief Steward Election / Health & Safety

We will be conducting nominations for Chief Shop Steward at your work place, 
The term of this position is 2 years ( April 1st /2021 –  March 31st / 2023 )

 Nominations will be accepted from Friday January 22/2021 till 5pm (17:00) on Friday February 5/2021 If we have more than 1 candidate nominated for the position of Chief Steward an Election shall take place.

Download Official Posting                         Nomination Form

                                                                                                          Sample Nomination Form

This Election will take place electronically via a valid personal email through a secure website voting system.(work emails will not be accepted)
Anyone seeking nomination must have completed their probationary period, and be a union member in good standing for 1 year.    

The Election Date : Monday March 1st/2021   Hrs:  9am –  7pm.   ( if required )

Registration for Voting in this election will take place from:

Monday February 8/2021 to Friday February 26/2021   

Only Members who are currently working as of December 2020 will be eligible to vote.  

Send Your Registration Information to Vote to :

Full Name   – Employee Number  –  Home Address  –  Telephone Number

Nomination forms can be found on our website under the post
Menzies Chief Steward Election, or emailing your request to


Completed nomination forms are to be emailed scanned back to info@iamaw2413
or email me at the office to arrange other methods. 


The Chief Steward has extra responsibilities, aside from those of a Steward.

  • He/she is expected to have an introduction session with all new hires, provide them with a copy of the collective agreement and ensure Union Application forms are completed as per 4.02(c) of the CBA.
  • He/she is also expected to participate in Labour Relations meetings with the Company and
    assist in preparing the meeting agenda.
  • He/she shall regularly communicate with the Stewards and process grievances through the steps set out in Article 9.02 of your grievance procedure.
  • The Chief Steward should also keep his/her District General Chairperson informed about
    outstanding issues at the workplace and he/she should attend Local Lodge meetings whenever
    possible. )


In Solidarity
Herb Reiner
Recording Secretary LL2413
Monday January 18/2021


Updated: 5 February, 2021 — 09:44
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