Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Please be aware that all positions for the Local Lodge 2413 Executive Board
have been filled by acclamation.
The term of office for these positions will begin from January 1/2021 through to December 31/2023.
The Following names below are your Local Lodge 2413 Executive Board.
President: Francis Fernandes
Vice President: Sultan Sadiq
Recording Secretary: Herb Reiner
Secretary Treasurer: Stan Theofilaktidis
Trustee: Gurdeep Panesar
Trustee: Brad Weaver
Trustee: Vickrama Wijetunga
Conductor Sentinel: Vacant
All other Vacant Positions that need to be filled will be done by appointment of the President.
Please welcome our new and existing board members and wish them all the best, please stay safe.
In Solidarity,
Herb Reiner
Recording Secretary LL2413