We will be conducting nominations for The Chief Shop Steward and Stewards your work place,
The term of this position is 2 years ( April 1st /2021 – March 31st / 2023 )
Nominations will be accepted from Friday March 5/2021 till 5pm (17:00) on Tuesday March 16 /2021
If we have 2 or more candidates nominated for the position of Chief Steward and or Stewards an Election shall take place.
This Election will take place electronically via a valid personal email through a secure website voting system.
(work emails will not be accepted)
Anyone seeking nomination must have completed their probationary period, And be a union member in good standing for 1 year.
The Election Date : Tuesday March 30 / 2021 Hrs: 9am – 7pm.
( if required )
Only Members who are currently working as of January 2021 will be eligible to vote.
Registration for Voting in this election will take place from:
Monday March 22/2021 to Monday March 29/2021
Send Your Registration Information to Vote to : info@iamaw2413.ca (example below)
· Full Name: John Doe
· Company: Field Aviation
· Home Address : 55 Silverdart Drive # 405 Miss, ON. L6B 2Y5
· Telephone Number 647 999 9999
Nomination forms can be requested by emailing the Local Lodge at: info@iamaw2413.ca
Completed Nominations Forms can be sent back either by email scan or picture to
info@iamaw2413.ca or dropped off at the Local Lodge.
The Chief Steward has extra responsibilities, aside from those of a Steward.
· He/she is expected to have an introduction session with all new hires, provide them with a copy of the collective agreement and ensure Union Application forms are completed as per 4.02(b) of the CBA.
· He/she is also expected to participate in Labour Relations meetings with the Company and
assist in preparing the meeting agenda.
· He/she shall regularly communicate with the Stewards and process grievances through the steps set out in Article 8 of your grievance procedure.
· The Chief Steward should also keep his/her District General Chairperson informed about
outstanding issues at the workplace and he/she should attend Local Lodge meetings whenever
possible. )
In Solidarity
Herb Reiner
Recording Secretary LL2413