Category: Uncategorized

Membership Letter: District 140 Supervision

Membership Letter:District 140 Supervision Dear IAM District 140 Family, As a member of Canada’s largest and most powerful airline union, the IAM, you have a right to expect world-class representation. And while our long-standing solidarity and strength have gotten us to this point, it has become clear in my visits with you – our proud membership – […]

Transportation District 140 General Chairperson Positions November 21/2023

Dear Brothers and Sisters,Transportation District 140 Bylaws Article 11.03 states that:“Nominations for General Chairperson(s) will take place at the first (1st) Local Lodge meeting within the affected region during the month of September.”In accordance with Article 11.01.05 of the Transportation District 140 Bylaws: “All designated General Chairpersons positions shall be nominated by and elected by […]

Committee On The Future – Toronto, ON

At the 40th IAM Grand Lodge Convention, delegates approved the launching of the IAM Committee on the Future (COTF) to hear from members across North America and develop plans to grow, reach young people, and bring up the next generation of IAM leaders and activists. The COTF committee was tasked with establishing listening sessions in at least two cities in each […]

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