IAMAW Members Field Aviation YYZ Election Results

To the members at Field Aviation , your Local Lodge conducted an election
yesterday for the position of Chief Shop Steward & Stewards AM
on March 30/2021.
We would like to thank all who participated in the electoral process , and to all
the candidates that put their name forward for the position.
The results of the election are:

Chief Shop Steward
Ian Wallace

Shop Stewards
Eric Robinson AM
Lance Pulker AM
Darren deRoos AM
Vickrama Wijetunga PM (acclamation)

The Term of Office Commences April 1/2021 – March 31/2023

In Solidarity
Herb Reiner
Recording Secretary LL2413
March 31/2021

Updated: 31 March, 2021 — 14:26
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