Subject: Negotiating Committee & Contract Negotiations
On July 10th & 11th, we began the process of selecting your Negotiating Committee and distributing preliminary bargaining surveys.
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Please be advised that your Negotiating Committee will consist of the following members:
David Mingie – Interim Chief Steward & PT Ramp Agent
Boh Souphilavong – FT Lead Ramp Agent
Nicholas Asboth – FT Ramp Agent
Sean O’Brien – Alternate Committee Member & PT Grooming Agent
In early October 2018, your Committee will be in a legal position to serve the Company with notice to commence negotiations. Therefore, your Committee will be meeting over the next few weeks to review your collective agreement and begin preparing for contract negotiations.
Please feel free to speak to your Negotiating Committee Representatives about items you would like to see negotiated and included in your next collective agreement. Also feel free to ask them for a survey form. When you have completed the form, please return it to one of your Committee Members.
We will keep you updated as things progress.
In solidarity,
Michael Corrado
General Chairperson
District Lodge 140