MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014, at theSHERATON GATEWAY HOTEL – LUGANO ROOM(Attached to Terminal 3) Drop in for coffee and refreshments when you are available during break or before or after your shift anytime between – 10:00 am – 7:00 pm Menzies Notice open house December 8 2014
WORKPLACE REPRESENTATIVE ELECTION RESULTS Please be advised that the results from the election are as follows:
All Members at Bearskin Airlines
All Members at Bearskin Airlines Maintenance and Parts Departments Date: February 6, 2014. Subject: Contract Ratification Vote Results Please be advised your Contract was ratified and accepted by a 65% margin. Close to 2/3rds of the membership supported the contract offer.
ASIG Ground Handling – Ottawa
CONTRACT RATIFICATION VOTE Please be advised that your Union will be conducting a Contract Ratification Vote for the employees at ASIG Ground Handling Canada Ltd. in Ottawa.
All Members at Bearskin Airlines
Status of Negotiations IAM&AW Member at Bearskin Airlines, Your Negotiating Committee met again with the Company on December 9th & 10th to negotiate the renewal of your Collective Agreement.
Field Aviation Ratification Results
IAM Membership at Field Aviation Contract Ratification Vote Results I am pleased to announce the contract ratification results from yesterdays (Wednesday September 25th 2013) information and ratification meeting.
NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES AND FOLLOW-UP FROM INFORMATION MEETINGS Please be advised that the IAMAW completed the process of nominating your Negotiating Committee Representatives at the meetings held on Friday, September 6, 2013.
INFORMATION MEETINGS AND SELECTION PROCESS OF BARGAINING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Please be advised that the IAM&AW will be conducting information meetings for the employees at ASIG/Dryden as well as nominations for your Negotiating Committee Representatives/Union Stewards on Friday September 6th.
American Eagle, Ottawa Airport
NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE Please be advised that your Union Negotiation Committee met with representatives from American Eagle on August 14, 2013 for our first face-to-face bargaining meeting. The general concept of this meeting was for formal introductions, hearing the Union’s proposals and the scheduling of subsequent dates.
ASIG/DRYDEN Application for Certification
MEMBERS AT ASIG/DRYDEN AIR SERVICES OTTAWA AIRPORT Re: Status of the IAM application for certification as the bargaining agent for all employees of ASIG/DRYDEN air services employed at The MacDonald-Cartier International Airport in Ottawa.