Membership 2413

Many of you may have already heard the news, but I wanted write this message to let you know I am resigning as your President of Local Lodge 2413.
When I ran for office 3 years ago and elected with your support, I did it fully believing that I was going to complete my term of office. However my personal circumstances have changed and it is only with this in mind that I would consider leaving office.
As a Membership, during that same election you also supported Paul Newman as Vice President. As per our Constitution should the President leave office, the Vice President shall become President and fulfill the remainder of the term. This being the case, Paul has agreed to accept and continue as President for the duration of the term.

I would personally like to wish Paul well in his new endeavour and would ask that you give him your full support. I have truly enjoyed my tenure here at the Local and the many years working with you. I will always remember and value having had the opportunity to represent you during my time with the I.A.M.A.W.

All the best to you and your families in the future,

Dan Tremblay

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Updated: 18 July, 2014 — 14:53
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