Election Results – Negotiating Committee
Please be advised that the results from the Negotiation Committee election held yesterday are as follows:
Michael Strickland 100% of votes (ELECTED)
Felipe Leiva 86% of votes (ELECTED)
Shawn Lough 14% of votes (ALTERNATE)
In order to prepare for face to face negotiations with American Eagle, your Union will now begin the process of scheduling pre-bargaining sessions with your newly elected committee. Your committee will also be distributing surveys throughout bargaining in order to get a better understanding of what is important to the employees/members at American Eagle.
Please take the time to complete any surveys your Committee provides throughout this round of Collective Bargaining, as your input is very important and much appreciated. These surveys are for committee purposes only and their details will remain confidential.
Your Committee is requesting employees/members to provide a reliable email address (personal ones preferred) on the survey forms so that your Union can keep you informed and send you information bulletins and contract offers that you will be required to vote on.
Lastly, I would like to thank all 3 candidates along with everyone who participated in the electoral process.
Local Lodge 2413
Download The Official Bulletin / IAM District Lodge 2413
American Eagle Negots Vote RESULTS