To The Membership of Local Lodge 2413 – Local Lodge Executive Board Elections

Notice of Elections   IAMAW Local Lodge 2413 Executive Board

Dear Brothers and Sisters:


Elections will be held Tuesday December 1 /2020 for the following positions at Local Lodge 2413.  The term of office for these positions will be from January 1/2021 through to
December 31/2023.

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The Following names will appear on the Election Ballot:

President (1)

Francis Fernandes

Koren Hillier


Trustee (3)

Philip Honsberger
Gurdeep Panesar
Brad Weaver
     Vickrama Wijetunga


The following positions have been acclaimed:

Vice President: Sultan Sadiq

Recording Secretary: Herb Reiner
Secretary Treasurer: Stan Theofilaktidis

Conductor Sentinel: Vacant


Date of Election : Tuesday December 1/2020

                                Local Lodge 2413 Union Hall
                                2580 Drew Road
                                Mississauga, ON. L4T 3M5
      Voting Hours: 09:00 –  18:00   (9am-6pm)


At the polling station on December 1/2020, a valid government issued picture identification or RAIC will be accepted as proof.  Only Active working members are eligible to vote.


In Solidarity,

Herb Reiner
Recording Secretary LL2413


Updated: 25 November, 2020 — 14:21
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