Please be advised that your Union has applied for arbitration to address the remaining outstanding issues at the bargaining table. This is being done in accordance with Article 5.02 of the Collective Agreement.
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When the parties last met with the government Mediator in December, the Company indicated that they needed another week or more to adequately engage their clients (West Jet, etc.) in budgetary discussions.
The Company further agreed to meet with your Union during the week of December 17th.
Unfortunately, Menzies quickly realized that they would not be in a position to meet with the Unions Bargaining Committee during the week of December 17th. Furthermore, due to the Christmas Holiday Season, peoples limited availability, etc., they likely would not be in a position to meet again until sometime in January.
Although, the Company has recently indicated that they will be in serious discussions with WestJet on Friday, January 25th, your Bargaining Committee has applied for arbitration in an effort to speed up this final stage of bargaining and to encourage both the Company and WestJet to finalize their contractual relationships and obligations.
Your Union also represents Menzies Aviation (Canada) Ltd. at the Ottawa airport and is embroiled in contract negotiations there as well. In fact the Union has set a serious strike target/deadline for the week prior to the March Break to further encourage Menzies and WestJet to get things sorted at YYZ and YOW ASAP!
Please be patient as we are finally nearing the end of this bargaining process.
In solidarity,
Michael Corrado
General Chairperson