TGAS – Urgent News Please Read and Share!

Your Union has received reports that some members at TGAS mayhave been contacted by representatives of another Union to call! in sick, walk off the job or not show up for work. You need to be aware that these actions are illegal under the Canada Labour Code.

Please Download Official Posting.

Your Union IAMAW is strongly against this illegal action. lt is not in your interests to break the law and risk facing personal consequences which could include the loss of this and future jobs at the Airport. Your Union IAMAW is contacting the GTAA and planning meetings as soon as possible to stop the race to the bottom in the name of contract flippingl We have contacted the media to expose how you are getting treated and it is the GTAA that is flipping the contract to a non-unionized Company.

The Union is step by step on your side is working hard to rectify this situation to your benefit. The Union is proud of the TGAS workers for a great job they do looking after passengers on a daily basis. Please continue this good work, and let us do ours to help you.


Updated: 5 April, 2016 — 20:31
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