Elections General Chairpersons – November 12/2015

Local Lodge 2413 conducted nominations for the positions of District Lodge 140 General

Chairpersons on Tuesday September 1st 2015, at our monthly Local Lodge Meeting.

 An election for these positions will be held on Thursday November 12th 2015.

Members can vote in person on Thursday November the 12th at the Local Lodge Office between the hours of

07:00 – 21:00 (7am to 9pm) or can vote by mail/absentee ballot if any of the following conditions exist:

1) If you reside more then 25 miles (40 kilometres) away from the polling station, or

2) Are off on verified sick leave or on leave qualifying under Canadian family leave laws, or

3) Are unable to attend due to vacation commitments, or

4) Are unable to attend due to official IAM Union business, or

5) Are on an out-base work assignment, or

6) Are on military leave

I strongly urge any and all members who qualify to vote by mail/absentee ballot!

If you wish to vote by mail/absentee ballot, you must forward an “absentee ballot request form” to the

Local Lodge 2413 office, either in person or by official government mail, as soon as possible and no

later then Monday October 12th to arrange for an absentee ballot. This deadline date of October

12th is as per the IAM Constitution and allows for adequate time for mailing purposes.

Ballots will then be mailed out to your residence and must be mailed back to the union office no later

then Thursday November 12th (day of election).

“Absentee ballot request forms” can be obtained at the workplace, are available on the Local Lodge

2413 website, or can be arranged by contacting the Local Lodge office.


Official Bulletin GC Elections


Absentee Ballot Request Form GC Election 2015

Updated: 9 September, 2015 — 16:49
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