Consolidated Aviation / District 140 Bulletin

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please be advised that the IAMAW Transportation District 140 Representatives and our legal counsel
were able to reach an agreement with the employer, the Airline Consortium and their legal counsel, to
adjourn the CIRB hearing on the employer’s application to have the events of July 3, 2015 declared
an illegal strike.

Please Download Official District 140 Bulletin   IAMAW

The hearing has been adjourned from this Friday (July 24, 2015) until the week of
August 17, 2015 while all parties meet in order to attempt to mediate a settlement that will address
your issues.
This agreement depends on our Consolidated Aviation Members continuing to meet the daily
operational fueling needs of the Airline Consortium while the parties attempt to mediate a settlement
that meets the interest of our Consolidated Aviation Fueling Membership and all other interested
Any operational labour disruption through this period will jeopardize any chance of reaching a
mediated settlement, in addition to being contrary to the Canada Labour Code and potentially giving
rise to serious legal consequences for participating employees.
We know that you are going through some very difficult times. Be assured that the Union is taking all
available steps to make your voice heard and to protect your rights.
We will continue to keep you advised of any developments in regards to this matter.

In Solidarity,  

Fred Hospes 

President & Directing General Chairperson
Transportation District 140, IAMAW

Updated: 24 July, 2015 — 14:21
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