Consolidated Aviation / Important Message


Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On June 2, 2015, representatives from the IAMAW Canadian Grand Lodge and Transportation District 140 met with Allied Aviation to discuss the Group Termination Notice sent to the Minister’s office on May 29, 2015, as well as the enhanced retention bonuses and severance pay.
Your Union Representatives informed the Company that they were legally obligated to post the Group Termination Letter sent to the Minister’s office on May 29, 2015 due to the Airlines changing their “Into Plane Fueling” service providers.
Although the Group Termination Notice includes the number of employees that will be affected by a layoff, these numbers are subject to change. The notice will provide our affected Membership with written notification, which they rightly requested and deserve. However, the notice does not meet the 16-week notification period and the employer has not clearly stated how they intend to pay for the shortened notification period in Montréal (i.e., wage continuance, severance, etc.). For these reasons, the Union has opposed, through the Minister’s office, the employer’s request to shorten the notice period. It appears that Allied Aviation is requesting that the Minister shorten the time period without meaningful discussions with the IAMAW nor does it meet the requirements of Section 228 (d) regarding the establishment of a Joint Planning Committee, as the employer to date has not put in place any assistance programs for the employees that would provide the same effect as provided for within the Code.
Any waivers granted to the employer would also prejudice the IAMAW with regards to any discussions that may take place.
Due to the airline consortium’s corporate greed, your Union advised Allied Aviation that the consortium of airlines are obligated to provide the affected Membership with enhanced retention bonuses and severance packages in order to minimize the financial impact that our Members may be burdened with. As such, your Union will present Allied Aviation with an enhanced retention bonuses and severance packages proposal later this week.
During these turbulent times, there are more questions than answers however, as your Union obtains further information, it will be communicated to the affected Members through a Q & A Bulletin.

Download Official Bulletin Link

Updated: 5 June, 2015 — 17:45
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